"My Health is fine!"

Is it ?

  1. Do you have high blood pressure?
  2. Have you been diagnosed with "borderline diabetes"?
  3. Do you have excess weight around the abdomen, while not being overweight?
  4. Have you noticed an unexplained darkening of your complexion?
  5. Have you ever been told by your M.D that everything is fine, without being given specific numbers, such as glucose score  and kidney function ratios?
  6. Did you know the  ejection fraction score measures how well your heart is beating, long before a problem occurs??
  7. Do you know what your ejection fraction score is?
  8. Did you know cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death for all people, ahead of all cancers?
  9. Did you know colon cancer is the # cancer, (not breast cancer)?
  10. Do you drink 4 ounces of water per half hour, equal to 1/2 of your weight in ounces per day?
  11. Were you told to limit your salt intake?


Serenity has partnered with 
Dr. Wallach and now includes his minerals in all program kits

Everyone needs to do a seasonal cleanse, or at least a thorough cleanse once per year
The average adult carries 20-35 lbs. of stool in their colon


Our guarantee: 

You will feel 100% better after you have released some of that extra waste you have been carrying around for years

Try just  2 weeks

To get started, contact us @:

We will send you a free copy of Dr. Wallach's audio CD: 
"Dead Doctor's Don't Lie"  
AND send you a brief intake form

~Keeping our customers healthy since 1992~


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