Soldiers Lose Weight Too!

GM Team:
As of today, September 19, 2015,  this fun loving soldier: 
(Air National Guard and United States Air Force)
 has released 20 lbs 
since starting The Serenity Challenge on August 8. 
We have been prepping for his military fitness physical ..keep him in your prayers. 
Proud of you Jeff!

Officer Jeff Turner 

20 lbs

 Peoria, Illinois 

Our soldier with his wife, 

36 lbs in 
45 days

Started August 4, 2015

Congratulations and keep 
going Turner family. 
You are both an inspiration
 to so many couples 
and  military personnel

What are the Turners doing?
So many of you have sent me emails o
posted notes asking this question  
Short answer is that they are using the
 GOJI BERRY Super food Meal Replacement Smoothies at least 1x' per day. The main ingredients follow. 
Please join the program for specific recipes. For more information friend us @ FB/serenityweightloss

to read more


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