I LOVE MY OATMEAL: Racism and the Obesity Epidemic


Hosted by the Serenity Wellness Warriors

original air date: 
JUNE 9, 2014

Michelle Edmonds, Psy. M.A., M.ED.
Author|Life and Wellness Coach
THE SERENITY CHALLENGE`grant funded church initiative

Author's Update: Since this blog was published, a cultural shift has taken place during 2020, with Covid-19 and the racial unrest, driven by George Floyd's murder. Thus,  as of June 17, 2020, Aunt Jemina is finally coming down. Read more @ https://news.yahoo.com/aunt-jemima-remove-image-packaging-110446245.html?soc_src=hl-viewer&soc_trk=fb

Hello All:  This information is shared whenever I am asked to speak on the epidemic of the obesity in the African-American community. I have also shared this information when I have conducted race relations and diversity workshops, where the predominant audience was White and I have shared this material at recovery treatment facilities, medical schools and in correctional facilities.

The material requires a mature reader and a sound mind. In fact, Jordan Peele, the well known comic,  author, and screenwriter is saying it is all about our mind and he suggests that many of us are  NOT of a sound mind.  Read thru all to the end, then post comments, questions, and/or answers to my questions below.

The most important thing I want all my readers to remember. Racism does not lie in the exposure of racism; it lies in the secrets and the attempts to keep control over other people not like ourselves,  in the dark and behind closed doors. In other words, the exposure is not the racism; the secrets kill, steal, and destroy the peace in our culture. How can any of us truly be friends, if we don't even know what any of us are truly thinking or whether we are thinking at all?

A/K/A The God Mother

Questions for you to ponder

What do you think about subliminal messaging?

Do you think this form of advertising is fair?

Are you even aware that it is occurring?

Have you considered that you may be responding, albeit unaware and that it is likely adversely affecting your lifestyle choices, including something as simple as your food choices?

Will you write manufacturers and tell them to stop?

Aunt Jemima, 1880s-Present


1. Why do these mascots still exist today?

2. Do you remember from historical facts,  what slave masters would eat? 

3. Conversely, do you recall what slaves and farm animals were fed?

4. Do you think these derogatory mascots have adversely influenced the food buying habits of certain ethnic groups leading to the predominance of obesity
among Black people, while paradoxically, blaming it on their GENES? 
Related image

The sign below suggests that you
"Stretch your meat with Cream of Wheat"
Comment: Poor people need to stretch their meat

Lot's of professionals are raising these issues for conversation. Dr. Joel Wallach, one of my favorite and who also was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1997, has this to say:

Listen to this audio
Black Gene Lies
by Dr. Joel Wallach
founder of Youngevity 
and commissioned by Dr. Creflo Dollar

Uncle Ben's, 1940s-Present


2018 Editors footnote: 
Subliminal messaging is not new. It was most recently raised as a concern in the hit movie, GET OUT, by Jordan Peele, who won a 2018  Oscar for best screenplay for this movie. Watch  their movie trailer here or better yet, go see the movie, then meditate on the messages brought to your attention in this blog post. 

Be mindful not to blame anyone for racism or accuse them of being racist simply because they raise these issues and concerns for conversation. Remember, the movie won an Oscar and Jordan Peele is a Black man, married to a White woman. 

  1. What subliminal messages is Jordan Peele  saying African-American men are becoming "victim" to? 
  2. What do you think ? 
In fact, Jordan Peele is suggesting that we may not be thinking for ourselves at all! 


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