ANTI-VIRAL Protocol: An alterative approach to Coronavirus Prevention


I hope that you find this information educational, however, I am NOT making any medical claims nor am I attempting to diagnose. This should be done by a traditional medical professional.

Nevertheless, if you wish to explore alternative methods for strengthening your immune system, these herbs are available from To order, please log onto  so that a portion of the proceeds from your order sent to the charity of our choice.  
Because Amazon is doing the donating, your prices are the same. 
Select Grace Gospel Tabernacle, Queens Village, NY. 
We chose this charity to support because the Pastors are long-standing friends of the  Serenity Weight Loss and Detoxification Program, dating back to 1997. 

Amazon will not be shipping anything other than food and medical supplies, until April 1,  2020. Many people are placing the items in their cart and paying for these as backorders, so they will be ready.

To order nutritional products discussed at the end of this blogpost,  our choice has always been  Youngevity. You may open a free, preferred customer account through March 31, 2020. Click @ Click "JOIN US, then preferred customer account".

March 14, 2020

Michelle Edmonds, Psy, M.A., M.ED. 
Serenity Weight Loss and Detoxification Program

Hello All:

Like most people, I never thought I would see anything like the coronavirus in my lifetime. My Mom, in particular, would reference the Flu epidemic of 1918 and shared that my "great-aunt Dee"  had been affected. These stories were just filed away.....yeah, yeah, I would think to myself and I never saw "Aunt Dee' that often! Epidemics were never anything that I really identified  -they were never real to me. When we got too nervous, we dismissed it as some "third world" problem. I was however smart enough to question the location of the "third world. 

Oddly, based on the pattern of the coronavirus and the countries banned from flying into the United States, the third world becomes even more questionable. Maybe, just maybe this third world is not located where initially thought.

Then,  in 1997, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. My holistic physician, Dr. Mitchell Kirk, Lawrence, NY,  referred me to have a parasite test. At first,  I thought it was ridiculous. The test came back positive for Cryptosporidium! Crypto what,  I asked? Dr. Kirk repeated himself. Cryptosporidium, adding, "don't worry". These parasites transmit viruses and are easy to eliminate! I responded:  "If you say so". However, he also added that   I could no longer work in my vegetarian restaurant and cafe until I tested negative and the negative test was verified by the CDC. It was my first personal contact with the CDC. I cringed. THEY now had me in a file. YUCK!

I began to think back on how this could happen. It was not that long before opening a retail store that I had been on a one-year consulting assignment at Consumer's  Power in Grand Rapids, Michigan.   Cryptosporidium was first identified in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I recall drinking the tap water while on assignment being assured that the water was clean and fresh, drawing from beautiful Lake Michigan that separated the 2 states. Apparently, they were wrong.

1993: Contaminated water in Milwaukee

One of Milwaukee’s two water treatment plants became contaminated with cryptosporidium, a parasitic disease that causes dehydration, fever, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. About 403,000 became ill, and more than 100 people died, making it the largest waterborne outbreak in United States history.
While most people recovered on their own, including me, of the people who passed, the majority had compromised immune systems. 

Did I get cryptosporidium, because I was already immuno-suppressed or did the parasite cryptosporidium suppress my immune system, predisposing me to M.S.?
 You may read more about cryptosporidium However, I researched the literature and discovered that cryptosporidium is linked to M.S.
Today, improved water filtrations helped eradicate this disease, but an estimated 748,000 cases of cryptosporidium still occur each year. Cryptosporidium spreads through the soil, food, water, or contact with infected feces. The advice: Be sure to practice personal hygiene, especially when camping. Notice the similarity between then and today's Coronavirus preparedness.
Ok, I admit, I am sticking my neck out a little here. However, consider that PARASITES can spread viruses!  If my hunch is correct, why not use something as simple as edible earth clay called BENTONITE. If you are already enrolled in the Serenity wellness program, then you are probably already taking, but I wanted to remind you of the connection between viruses and parasites. Here is my go-to item for a beginner parasite DETOX. The Sonnes' # 7  should not cost more than $27.00 on the high end, although I have noticed that all detox products are experiencing some price bumps.
To fast forward, now it's Coronavirus. I have shared what I know with a small group of research medical students  at Emory Medical School and I am sharing this information with all of you. It is the protocol that I used when I was diiagnosed with Multiple Scrleoris, as well as for the following:
  1. Genital Herpes
  2. Lupus
  3. Candida and systemin yeast infections
  4. All immune system disorders
Ahana Nutrition Red Marine Algae Capsules – Natural Antioxidant Supplement for Aiding Blood Circulation and Immune System Support (200 Capsules)

 Serves to support the immune system, aids blood circulation and is packed with healthy antioxidants.*

MONOLAURIN (Lauricidn)
Author's note: 
  • Lauricidin supports a healthy and hardy immune system- a strong defense even when you feel that your immunity is challenged*
  • A Gut Instinct – Helps maintain a normal, healthy balance of intestinal flora* and yeast*

(This one is most popular for Oral and genital Herpes, which are viruses)
These are always in my wellness medicine chest, which I keep in my kitchen. To read more about these items and how I take them, click
Image result for echinacea and goldenseal loose herb images

LARREA (Chapparell Herb)

Olive leaf Extract is a standby we have used in the program, most often during the FALL CLEANSES, However, in view of the pandemic, a great, if not essential add, especially if blood sugar tends to be high. Hint: If you are overweight, your blood sugar almost certainly runs high. During the program, I discuss why that is not told to you by your MD's. Or catch one of my videos

In my opinion, Vitamin C may be  too slow to respond to an active viral epidemic and so I have omitted it from this list. However, your research will show that vitamin C, per Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling, would have been placed at the top of this protocol. His recommendation is rarely below the following:
 1,000 mg dose intervals and as high as  
 6,000-12,000  per day or up to bowel tolerance

I have always preferred ALACER III., however, the company has since run into some legal challenges and is not as readily available. My other go-to brand is readily available and is shown below
American Health Ester-C with Citrus Bioflavonoids Capsules - 24-Hour Immune Support, Gentle On Stomach, Non-Acidic Vitamin C - Non-GMO, Gluten-Free - 1000 mg, 90 Count, 90 Servings


No immune system building protocol  is complete without a strong foundation. You must take a   good multple vitamin in liquid form and a liquid, plant-based mineral formula. The following are my goto items , that I have used for nearly 10 years now

 Finally: If I am already your personal coach, all you need to do is hit me up in our private accountability chat room to let me know that you are interested in this protocol and wud like to get a personalized recommendation on dose levels.  I am comfortable doing this because I know you. 
 All others, I suggest that you read the label and decide for yourselves or contact me for a 1x 30-minute wellness herbal consultation or for the entire 6-month weight loss program by scheduling at this link Select 15-minute consultation and we will decide together the route that is bes for you and your budget.

Regardless of whether you call me, please know that you must take action. Faith without works is Dead. God has given us a plethora of natural anti-viral alternatives. he already knew this epidemic was coming  and he already made the vaccine.
God Bless you all and be safe

Coach, Michelle Edmonds
AK/A The Godmother


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