I Love My FAT, Why Would I want to Lose it?!

May 6, 2020

Hello ALL:

I know what you are thinking? How could she be saying 'I love my fat so much, I don't want to lose it". I know she crazy now!!!

Nevertheless, have you ever cried out while on a diet: "Help me I'm Stuck"? If so, then you want to watch this video. The answer to your dilemma may surprise you.
A conversation with yours truly, the Godmother about our 31st MANTRA or what most people refer to as the weight loss plateau. What you think is a plateau is really just a lack of understanding about why YOU have caused your weight to stall. In this video, find out why YOU would block your own success.

Dropping anchor becomes easier as long as you are in your GREY ZONE until of course your NOT!

Michelle Edmonds
Life and Wellness Coach
To schedule a 15-minute consultation click @ https://live.vcita.com/site/michelleedmonds


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