SPIRITUTAL CLEANSING FAST Supplemental Instructions


Make a daily batch in the evening:
A daily batch =  16+ ounces -These instructions are based on using a  juicer, such as Jack LaLanne, Juceman Jr, which is always best for juicing.  If using one of the POWER BLENDERS,  such as NINJA, NUTRI BULLET, VitaMix  or Montel Williams Health Master, you will drink the juice WITH YOUR PROTEIN instead of between the meals.

Juicer crowd (without Nutrition):  Drink 8 ounces between 9 and noon and the other 8 ounces between 1-5 p.m.

 ADD CHIA seed and Flax Seeds in last, before drinking, or they will swell.

JUICE TONIC PREPARATION: After juicing the ingredients listed below, and you have about 14 ounces of veggie juice: ADD THE FOLLOWING Secret ingredients:

Juice fresh ginger, until you have about  2  oz of liquid
Fresh Aloe Leaf - (2) TBS of aloe Gel ~OR~ (2) ounces of bottled Aloe
Add (1) TBS of CHIA seed or Flax Seed (not powder) but not until you are about to drink. Seeds  do not go in overnight or they will swell

ADDING NUTRITION: Bring  daily batch up to no less than 16 ounces, by adding water 
1. TANGY TANGERINE, add (2) scoops per batch
2. Osteo is (1) scoop per batch,
3. If using  Herbal RAINFOREST is (2) capfuls per batch
* Important: Omit the apple, as the sweetness from the nutrition is enough. 
4 Take Ultimate EFA capsules as directed on your bottle
If you have all B12 SMOOTHIE items, see your coach

TIP: If you have the nutritional products, then the tonics may now be used as Meal Replacement, however, breakfast is always solid food.  Also avoid using the tonic for two consecutive meals
Further questions call  anytime between 10-noon @ 404 934 5514

Basically we have 4 categories:
(Determined by the  equipment you have and if you have nutritional products)
JUICER crowd, with nutrition~ may use as meal replacement
JUICER crowd, without nutrition~ must drink tonic between meals
POWER BLENDER crowd, without Nutrition ~ must drink 8-10 oz glass with protein
POWER BLENDER crowd, With Nutrition~ use as meal replacement

WE EAT on our SPIRITUAL FAST, wonderful fish recipes like this
Grilled SOLE, with roasted tomatoes,  olives, zucchini and olive oil

Sun Dried Tomato Pate: ALSO a GREAT SALAD DRESSING. 
Add more water and an extra tablespoon of olive oil Voila..not your pate is a wonderful salad dressing
1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes, with about (1 TBS) of the extra virgin olive oil oil, not too much, about a tsp
1/3 cup pine nuts
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1 garlic clove
1/4 cup hummus
pulse in a food processor until blended but still chunky, about 2 minutes
Collard Wraps:
2 Large, whole collard green leaves~ BLANCHED and rubbed down lightly with Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 red pepper cut into thin strips
1/2 zucchini cut into 1 inch strips
Bring a large pot of water to a boil, and blanch the collard greens, 2 minutes. Drain it and pat the leaves dry, or shake them out. Spread the pate on the leaves, then layer the vegetables on top and wrap it up just like you would a burrito. Collard Greens are great to make wraps out of because they hold their shape after blanching and they have a nice mellow flavor.

It was another great team call Monday. I love teaching on juicing and preparing detox tonics. This post is in response to the question: "How do you juice ginger? " A great question because fresh ginger juice is added into two of the three DETOX JUICE TONICS. For those with a juicer, no problem~ the fresh ginger knuckles are placed directly into the juicer and the pulp used as desired or even discarded and used in the garden.
BLENDER CROWD: This short video clip describes how to make fresh ginger using a blender. The video is a little crude, but effective. Caution: Please do not add agave syrup or any other sweetener to your juice. This method is great when we use the ginger detox teas in the program, because then you get to use the pulp, as shown. Tip: You may juice fresh TUMERIC the same way as shown on the video. More on this soon as some of you wrap up the final 7 days of your 21 Day FAST.~ SAVE THIS POST~ http://youtu.be/-RddGerwy0g



Progress to WHITE SHEET if advised by your coach to do so,
 or if you must abort the original SPIRITUAL FAST MENU

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